“Content protection is a top priority and OnlyFans has a dedicated anti-piracy team that provides legal DMCA support to issue takedowns on behalf of the creators. It is a violation of our Terms of Service to copy, duplicate or record user content, and DMCA law protects creator content being published without proper permissions.”

OnlyFans said that it was pursuing legal action, in an attempt to stop not only those people who are sharing the content but also the internet service companies who provide hosting and search engines from linking out to it.

“With a duty to help battle against illegal piracy, OnlyFans is firmly in the fight to protect user content,” a spokesperson said. “Takedown success rates have been around 75% across offending image hosting sites, torrent providers, and cyber lockers.”

Backchannel has launched a special tool that allows creators to input their username and find whether their content is part of the leak.